How Great Is Our God!!!!!


I don’t know how many people read the little plain jane blog but i am so glad that i took the advice from a wonderful co-worker of mine for whom we like to call Tim Swanson.. He is a very caring person and noticed during a time in my life that i wasnt myself and suggested using my blog as a way to talk about the things that got me down, or made me happy..  I used to only blog because i had to for my show but now I can say I blog for my heart and my mind..

Since sunday morning i have had the words “you reign” in my head.  I have been singing the songs that say that.  I know that He reigns in my life now because i have chosen him over all things!!  I have been through so much in my life due to my choices and now find myself thinking with the scripture and the plans that God has for my life..  I am choosing to not make the mistakes I have made in the past.. I am to blessed to go backwards in the journey.  I just pray that the people closest to my heart will trust me this time..  Even though i am having trouble trusting myself , i am moving forward with the plans that God has for me!!


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