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A 327-pound alligator gar may be largest caught

February 16, 2011 |  3:56 pm

Mississippi Museum of Natural Science staff look over the massive, 327-pound alligator gar caught Monday by angler Kenny Williams.

Seems no sooner did Outposts mention the International Game Fish Assn. all-tackle world record for alligator gar in a Wednesday post than word comes that the record may be bested.

Angler Kenny Williams of Vicksburg, Miss., landed an alligator gar Monday that tipped the scales at 327 pounds, possibly a new record for the species. The current IGFA record belongs to a 279-pounder pulled from the Rio Grande in Texas in 1951.

The fish, caught by Williams in Mississippi’s Chotard Lake, measured 8 feet, 5 1/4 inches with a 47.95-inch girth.

“At first I didn’t think he was that big. But as I was getting him into the boat, it was like, ‘How big is this thing?’ It was a lot of effort just to get him into the boat,” Williams told ABC affiliate WAPT-TV in Jackson, Miss.

Williams donated his catch to the Mississippi Museum of Natural Science in Jackson, where it will be mounted and placed on display.


ok.. growing up i was pretty much raised at the lake.  My dad went gar fishing ALOT.   I would ocassionaly go with him.  I thought i had seen some pretty big gar in my time.. Even as the years have went on my little brothers and dad have keep the bow fishing tradition going.  I think one gar that they caught was like 150 lbs.  But this thing is a monster!!!  Makes you think twice about a swim in the lake to cool off of just float in the sun.. 🙂



























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